
Back in Business!

Well my computers battery died, so I haven’t been able to upload pictures or anything for a couple weeks! Lets see…

We went to the MMA fight, here are a couple of my favorite pictures:

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Uhm I got my hair died back to my natural color, and hope to keep it that way for a while.IMG_0035

We went disc golfing with one of our friends, and of course Aaron threw a disc in the creek and had to go get it.

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I have been really sick with a fever since Tuesday, and still am not completely better, but much better then I was. No health care since it just ended so of course I get sick right when that happens.

Thursday my mom and I went and looked at fabric and talked more about wedding, then went to Graces last choir concert and I did Caroline and Graces hair and they loved it :), and then went to Target so I could get a dress for the wedding I was going to Friday.

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Then Friday and Aaron and I went to a good friends wedding, Thomas and Allison, he was the best man in it, and it was beautiful and so much fun.

And Today for the first time in I cant even remember how long, Aaron and I both sat in the living room almost all day together and watched movies. And it was such a relaxing much needed day.

Tomro I am hoping to get my final photo project done and finished and get some school work done.


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